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This is my Encouraging a healthy lifestyle project. In my introduction to the project, I express my options of the following to cover: Encouraging a healthy lifestyle, addressing the needs of people with disabilities, and supporting developing countries. I covered several parts to access the knowledge I need to design, develop snd product a product from the options. I set of explaining my option of Healthy lifestyle and assessing why I chose it. I then do some research into what is a healthy lifestyle, hoe if effects people and what ways can you changer a lifestyle. I looked at existing product that encourage a healthy lifestyle and compared them. I explain the research can be some what directed with the client profile. I wanted to mention target market and audiences. Where would be a a good place to sell each items. There will be different ways of encouraging a healthy lifestyle, I just wanted to find my own unique way. I added the fact that the different ways of encouraging could be portrayed with many different audiences and clients and even where they sell their item.I then did a small explanation of my packaging, and they flat packing was my first interests. I looked at the 6R’s and keeping my idea efficient and environmentally friendly. I explained the 6R’s to help keep it in my head for when Im thinking of materials and material usage and efficiency of the product and the making off it.


I then jumped on to some more primary contextual research. I researched unhealthy consumptions and eating diets. I have covered information so that my thought process can go as smooth as possible. I looked at risks, diseases, diets, overweight. I then explained what you can do to help and got down a key to a healthy diet. I then go on to talk about the mental issues that cone from an unhealthy lifestyle. The research reviewed showed that low-to-moderate physical exercise can reduce anxiety. I think got some visual elements to help express my research. I added a Diet plan snd an Exercise plan for examples and looked into what they have.


After interesting research I have been ready to get looking at example/previous products. At this point I had my eye on ideas for a some weights or a small window garden. For my products I went through and did an assessment of thee. In this assessment I was look at the Asthetic, size, customer/client, environmental components, prices, materials and use. I have a perfect assessment using ACCESS FM to guide my evaluations. I then conclude what I have seen and what I have learnt.


I then started building my client profile. Here I got some contextual information on my client and some general knowledge. Here I was also able to direct my target market. I made sure my information was relevant enough to keep on track, and useful enough to help build ideas. I backed this up with an interview with my client. Here, instead of receiving information and processing it, now I was able to ask the questions to direct the idea to the answers needed. For example, I asked about their experiences with being encouraged to a healthy lifestyle. Any information that was missing I was able to get. After I had my client profile built I wanted to see a wider view. Here I set up a survey. I have had several 15-23 year olds (target audience) opinions put into pie charts to asses. I was able to document all this in my results. Witch then decide what I could improve or what is preferred. This will alter the designs when I cope to doing them.


Now I did a specification, what I wanted as the product. This is like the ideal idea, everything I explain will be what I want in the product. I first write out a further understanding of what they want in the brief. Then I can compare my specification off that. Along with my developmental process this may change.


After all my research I was ready to convey my initial ideas, getting down any ideas that come. It was great having done my specification right before. This means my ideas are fresh along the brief. I get seven ideas down for my weight wrack choice. I analysed every idea against the specification to note down what I could improve and what works well. I then did a small piece on the commercial viability and the society of the impact of each idea looking at: I being socially and culturally appropriate, and having a unique design being passed into markets, shape and production and costs and profit. 


I next went into developing my ideas into more refined and detailed ideas. I took my initial ideas and compared them to filter out the ideas I wasn’t to take on. After picking my rocket and leaf I did a blow up design to show all the pieces, here I was able to label what I wanted and add to the idea. I used a CAD software where I set out my design with all measurements, pieces and joints. After finnishing my design I cleaned it off and analysed it again my specification. This was to keep me on the right route and have reasonable outcomes. I then wrote my commercial viability towards the product. I noted modifications and improvement and client feedback.


With thoughtful and careful decision I went for the leaf as my final design. I made my last improvements, including simplifying to make it possible. This was spotting and wealkpount and parts I think wouldn’t work. Like all the other developments I analysed agains the brief with all the other modifications, commercial viability, client feedback snd also planned design.The modifications I ended up making throughout the making of my product. At first my sourced material was a recycled piece of wood. This wood was black on one side. I ended up leaving the black on that side and having that as my back piece, so the black side is facing the back. I did this as I thought it would take too much time. As I got through I ended up making that modification and ended up sanding it off when I realised I had time to spare. 


An improvement I made was due to the limit of the time I had and it would be durable and stable. Instead of leaving the front open for shelves I decided I wanted to cover it up to give this product more strength. If I were to continue with my other idea and not make a modification, my product wouldn't be able to hold the weight of the dumbbells. 

I was limited to my use of the aluminium. My sourced aluminium sheet was a large sheet. So I ended up having to cut strips of the metal. I was limited to the productio9ng as I had to use several strips of metal meaning all the ends are overlapping. This means the quality of my product was limited 



For production I then use my time management to produce and making specification plan. Here was a table I split the steps and their times along with the methods, toold/eequipment and quality control. After its all confirmed I then got making, it was a fund process and I worked round many walls. I put this all in a making diary. When it was finished I did final product client review and website re-evaluation. I got my feedback from my client with I noted down and same with websites.


Next I focused on packaging and the final commercial viability. Here I explained my thought process on how I pack my item, I researched into other packaging of other weight racks and specific transport warning icons or the gernaral packaging symbols. Once I sorte dthat i then go to evaluate my item.


This product could be batched produced by the wood being laser cut. There would be a concern about the metal and bending it round the shapes. If I were to batch produce this product, I would I have to consider the joints used as it could be time consuming 

If my product were in a store it would end up doing very well as there is nothing like it. As other weight wrack are mainly plain or simple to do there function, my product is visually interesting compared to other wracks. The concept of my weight wrack being a visual item like a leaf also makes it more attractive.the sort of people that would be attracted are people who need to be encouraged to keep a healthy lifestyle, this could be because of the representation of a healthy green leaf, or a simple weight wrack that you could easily use there and then. This product will sell to make above the profit margin . 

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