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This is my final product from my Encouraging a healthy lifestyle project. This I a weight stand I made as a resposse to encouraging a healthy lifestyle. As stated in my specification, I went with the slots for three pairs of weights. It is easily accessible and is tall enough to stand along, yet small enough for a desktop. This was something I stated earlier on in my project and I was glad I stick with it. Its MDF Base with middle sporting MDF and an aluminium outskirt, it is stable and can withhold the weight of the weights consistently. As it is easily accessible, item shouldn’t get damaged when being taken out, but will have to be aware of any sharp aluminium. 


As this is one whole item and doesn’t have any loose parts, it makes it quick snd easy to store. My products unique leaf shape gives of the natural effect. With the green relating to life, growth, and healthy food, the colour has an implicit effect. What I wanted too show is the suggested healthy parts, colours and shapes to influence the users decision to use them. The material its made of is recyclable when the function is fulfilled enough, it can be stripped down and reused.



I think this has potential in remodelling for flat packaging as that was my initial packaging method, I also have kept in mind shipping expenses and that would be reflected when checking out with the item. I have kept to my target market of about 16-13 year olds, but I have also played with the sizing, for people who have just started exercising, this would be great as its small and easily accessible, but this would also work with people who already work out as it helps provide space for weights. This isn’t aimed at people who go to the gym a lot as, they won’t need too be encouraged ti exercise, and the likely need more space. This is why I have thought a lot about sizing and efficiency to that idea.


The modifications I ended up making throughout the making of my product. At first my sourced material was a recycled piece of wood. This wood was black on one side. I ended up leaving the black on that side and having that as my back piece, so the black side is facing the back. I did this as I thought it would take too much time. As I got through I ended up making that modification and ended up sanding it off when I realised I had time to spare. Also, instead of leaving the front open for shelves I decided I wanted to cover it up to give this product more strength. If I were to continue with my other idea and not make a modification, my product wouldn't be able to hold the weight of the dumbbells. 



I was required to make a product that will help keep maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As my final product I finished my product in the act of helping keep a healthy lifestyle. This product, like said on the brief, is for people that are in need of exercise. I have succeeded to research stores and websites, also I found out information with my client with interviews. I also used surveys to help determine what my product would be like.

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